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Apple Watch

Thinking Beyond Technology

Your Smart devices tamed to listen to your command and act to your will. 

Apple Watch App Development

iPhone owners have a nice time to rejoice as donning their favorite accessory, an Apple Watch in 2017 is a going to be much more enjoyable than before. Most of the Apple watch users know that we can really do lot of tasks like answer calls, instant messaging, notifications, weather updates, check emails, Track Your Runs, heart rate, fitness and so on with our watch alone if it is paired to our iPhones. But are you aware that you can also control your smart home doors, garage doors, lights, smart speakers, Apple TV and car also through your Apple watch? We are busy developing new applications for your iOS or android based wear which is surely going to take your experience to completely next level while doing your routine tasks through your Apple watch.

At Beyond Key, our experienced iOS developers have acquired skills in Apple watch development and get maximum usability of applications controlled through your simple voice command. Just speak out in your Apple watch through Siri kit to launch the smart home application and spell out your question– “Hey Siri, please open my main door” or “Hey Siri- is my Kitchen light on?” and you can see the magic happen. Siri will send you answer with the status of the task through your Apple watch. And yes- you don’t need to carry your iPhone any more for this.

This is just one skill we have described here. There are numerous items on which we are already working and look forward to hear from you about your Voice technology based requirements.

It’s nothing Beyond your imagination at 

Beyond Key!

Looking for a Voice technology based solution for you?

new journey!

We can be your
partners on this
new journey!

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